Ecotourism: Guidelines for Tourists
Ecotourism This word is like a jargon in travel industry. During past decade it has emerged as a tag to label destinations displaying concern for the protection of natural panoramic areas, its flora- wildlife habitat, local population & their well being. As defined in text by professional bodies , it is ' a responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well- being of local people'. The definition provides various principles to be followed while implementing it. Travelers often claim that they are participating in ecotourism activity during their tour, stake holders and community participant boost of practicing it, but are they really doing it? To start with, I would like to enlist few principles which we need to cross check with, which are. Do's * Follow all rules & guidelines at the spot. *Gather all information about the place. *Remove & carry back your litter from spot. *Respect t...